We offer interior painting services from the basics of painting a few rooms up to the complexity of painting an entire home. Multiple colors and cutting crisp professional lines are our specialty..
Any of our interior painting services include the following processes:
Masking and covering any furniture, fixtures, carpet, trim, windows, etc. to prevent paint drips and spills.
Tape caulking of any color lines, breaks, or meeting-up of different colors. Tape caulking creates crisp, clean lines along walls and ceilings, base trim and door casings, or anywhere one color stops and another starts.
Application of 2 coats of paint are always required for interior painting, and is done as industry standards suggest.
Removal and reinstallation of wall plates (electrical, phone, light switches).
Filling of nail holes, cracks, or drywall imperfections.
Drywall repair and retexturing.
Interior stained surfaces:
These surfaces include, but are not limited to, baseboards, doors, and door casings, cabinets, windows, and other interior trim. Over time, the original stain and lacquer coating becomes worn down. These areas will appear faded and dull compared to the original appearance. We are able to sand down, stain to match and re-varnish these surfaces to make them look new again.
Part of our service is to help choose colors that fit best with your property. Find our how our main paint vendor Sherwin Williams offers the services of their in-house color consultant who can come to your home FREE of charge to assist in color selection. This Sherwin Williams consultant will not just show you colors that look nice, but take into account your home as a whole and how to tie in your color selection with other elements in and around your home.