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Unfortunately, the Missouri climate is tough on homes. Extreme temperature variations, UV rays, and moisture all play a role in deteriorating an exterior paint coating. Fortunately, our team of craftsmen painters along with our process of completely preparing and painting a home will protect and beautify Missouri's homes for many years to come.


Our approach to painting is different than most other painters here in mid missouri. We don't just paint and run, we provide excellent customer service even after the paint dry's.


Our process includes:


  • Full exterior power wash to remove dirt and debris and allow for clean painting surfaces. In some cases, TSP (tri-sodium phosphate) may be included in the wash to remove oxidized and chalking paint.

  • Scraping and removing of loose failing paint.

  • Sanding areas to create a smoother painting surface and to feather out edges where bare areas meet areas that still have paint.

  • Priming areas of need to allow for proper paint adhesion, and to seal areas from rust or stains.

  • Caulking areas of need to create a moisture barrier around the home. This is done using a 55-year rated, urathanized acrylic elastomeric caulking. Elastomeric caulking is superior in stretch-ablity and durability against the elements.

  • Complete masking and covering of areas not to be painted (windows, roof, concrete, landscaping, furniture, decks, patios, etc).

  • Application of only premium quality paints (Ask an estimator for details) using today’s most advanced professional standards.

  • Daily job site clean up and progress reports.

  • Respectful and courteous professional painters.

  • Final job site inspection to ensure client satisfaction.



Part of our service is to help choose colors that fit best with your property. Find our how our main paint vendor Sherwin Williams offers the services of their in-house color consultant who can come to your home FREE of charge to assist in color selection. This Sherwin Williams consultant will not just show you colors that look nice, but take into account your home as a whole and how to tie in your color selection with other elements in and around your home.

Exterior House Painting

Mid Missouri House Painting

Best Customer Service In Missouri House Painting

Exterior House Painting Mid Missouri

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